Thursday, August 31, 2006
This Weekend's Port Forecast...Sunny faces

So, we have two activities this weekend. We are meeting a new couple...I know, I know, Austin and I said we wouldn't meet any new couples, but...we connected with them a few weeks ago and they are really interesting. So we are having dinner with them tomorrow...that is, if Ernesto doesn't wash away all of the restaurants. Next, we are hanging out with Scott and Taryn this weekend. Not sure what activity we are going to do. Perhaps dinner and drinks, don't know...I think it will be fun to get to know them better.
Oh, Blake signed my guestbook. He is just too sexy. He commented on my skin. Perhaps I am buttery. I will have to take a poll.
Monday, August 28, 2006
A reminder about the guestbook...
I love receiving messages in my guestbook. Take a second and sign...signing multiple times is encouraged :)
Being Written about on a swinger's board...

The most amazing story...I did a search for swinger resources and found a swinger's discussion group. I was reading some of the posts and noticed a profile name that I recognized. I read this person's posts and some of them were about Austin and me. I was tickled. Absolutely tickled!!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Woah Horsey!! Too Much Going On...
Woah! The last few days have been crazy. First, I chatted with Blake. What a pleasant surprise. He and Gina are doing well. Gina's parents caught a glimpse of an email that I sent to Blake and Gina had to do some quick explaining. It's a good thing I use a lot of smiley faces in my now Gina's parents think that they have "jokester" friends LOL!! Well, I guess truth is stranger than fiction.
We went to the Meet and Greet last night. Babette and Marco and Beverly and Lyle (I haven't mentioned them before) were the hosts. Babette is this gorgeous Angelina Jolie-like woman with the right mix of intellectual flare and confidence. Marco is a doctor (dermatology). He has this wonderful friendliness that is welcoming and sexy. Beverly is ten years older than you would think. She reminds me of a Manhattan socialite...confident and dressed in expensive designer clothes. Her husband Lyle is quiet and observing. I noticed him checking out the room.
Prior to this, we had chatted with Marco off and on for about a month. This was the first time someone had ever invited us to a meet and greet. It was a lot of fun. We actually gave our email address to one couple. They are settled in their relationship and seem really nice. Austin and I sensed a vibe with them...I gave them our email address and said...not a big deal, just in case you want it.
Funny thing...I think I may really have soft skin. I wore a strapless dress (I love strapless dresses) to the meet and greet and at least four people touched my back and commented on my skin.
By the way, Gina (of Gina and Blake) and Taryn and Scott signed our address book. It was such a wonderful treat!! Now, if I could only get Blake to sign ;).
So, I bet you are wondering what the "too much going on comment" means. Austin and I have made a big decision...we have decided to stop meeting new couples. So, if we haven't made contact, we won't and we will not pursue any messages that we receive from new couples. We will explain that we are in a time crunch right now. Remember, our goal is to have a small circle of two or three couples. We want to have safe fun and we find that having a small circle of persons that we trust to be important.
We went to the Meet and Greet last night. Babette and Marco and Beverly and Lyle (I haven't mentioned them before) were the hosts. Babette is this gorgeous Angelina Jolie-like woman with the right mix of intellectual flare and confidence. Marco is a doctor (dermatology). He has this wonderful friendliness that is welcoming and sexy. Beverly is ten years older than you would think. She reminds me of a Manhattan socialite...confident and dressed in expensive designer clothes. Her husband Lyle is quiet and observing. I noticed him checking out the room.
Prior to this, we had chatted with Marco off and on for about a month. This was the first time someone had ever invited us to a meet and greet. It was a lot of fun. We actually gave our email address to one couple. They are settled in their relationship and seem really nice. Austin and I sensed a vibe with them...I gave them our email address and said...not a big deal, just in case you want it.
Funny thing...I think I may really have soft skin. I wore a strapless dress (I love strapless dresses) to the meet and greet and at least four people touched my back and commented on my skin.
By the way, Gina (of Gina and Blake) and Taryn and Scott signed our address book. It was such a wonderful treat!! Now, if I could only get Blake to sign ;).
So, I bet you are wondering what the "too much going on comment" means. Austin and I have made a big decision...we have decided to stop meeting new couples. So, if we haven't made contact, we won't and we will not pursue any messages that we receive from new couples. We will explain that we are in a time crunch right now. Remember, our goal is to have a small circle of two or three couples. We want to have safe fun and we find that having a small circle of persons that we trust to be important.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Dinner with Daniel and Vanessa
So we ended up having dinner (and more with Daniel and Vanessa). Dinner was phenomenal...great food and conversation. They are truly fun. Very confident with their sensuality and sexuality. They are very genuine and considerate. For example, after we finished playing, he found my clothes (which was difficult because they were strewn everywhere)and folded and stacked them neatly on my table. It is little touches like those that make us value them as playmates.
By the way, this is the first couple that we have played with since Gina and Blake. Austin and I were both nervous about playing with new playmates because we have built a friendship with Gina and Blake that includes starting to understand what they like sexually. We are also less inhibited with them. So...being with someone new was scary. Austin and I have lots of questions...Did they enjoy it? Will they contact us again? Will they really be discrete? Can they be part of our "Circle of Port?"
By the way, this is the first couple that we have played with since Gina and Blake. Austin and I were both nervous about playing with new playmates because we have built a friendship with Gina and Blake that includes starting to understand what they like sexually. We are also less inhibited with them. So...being with someone new was scary. Austin and I have lots of questions...Did they enjoy it? Will they contact us again? Will they really be discrete? Can they be part of our "Circle of Port?"
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Reconnecting Part II
I had lunch with Mark and Rachel today. We hadn't connected for a while and it was wonderful to see them. They are still cutie pies- a very nice and sexy couple. My hope would be that we would connect again.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Seems Like Quite A Few Swingers Out There...
I have come to several realizations. This is just a quick listing of these.
1. It just occurred to me that we are actually a part of the community of swingers.
2. Telling single men that you are not looking for them is actually code for, "please email me repeatedly, try to IM me whenever possible as well."
3. Some people still believe all African-American men have large penises (Sorry Austin)
4. Some people have an inflated sense of self. If you have to make a big deal about your attractiveness, you probably aren't.
5. Persons with oversexualized profile names are scary.
6. In a lot of couples, the male is the deal breaker.
1. It just occurred to me that we are actually a part of the community of swingers.
2. Telling single men that you are not looking for them is actually code for, "please email me repeatedly, try to IM me whenever possible as well."
3. Some people still believe all African-American men have large penises (Sorry Austin)
4. Some people have an inflated sense of self. If you have to make a big deal about your attractiveness, you probably aren't.
5. Persons with oversexualized profile names are scary.
6. In a lot of couples, the male is the deal breaker.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Music of Note...
Ok, I need to take a few seconds and list some of my favorite music of the moment...
I have very diverse musical tastes.
*Sexy Back-Justin Timberlake
Justin Timberlake proves that he knows how to work it with Timbaland. He takes a simple beat and adds deep sensuality. He also gives illusions to BDSM. Listen carefully..."I'll let you whip me if I misbehave"
*Hips Don't Lie-Shakira feat. Wyclef
I work my hips while brushing my teeth...a few extra minutes of midsection work...Shakira is freakin' hot and Wyclef is just talented. Also provides some political messages regarding racial profiling.
*I Write Sins Not Tragedies-Panic!At the Disco
An old new breed of alternative music. Panic takes simple everyday things adds eclectic "phonics" and turns out poetry. Sin or tragedy, you decide.
*Miss Murder-AFI
What the hell? It's loud and catchy...It's aggressive alterna-rock. Rock on...
*Rompe-Daddy Yankee
*Gasolina-Daddy Yankee
Both of these songs represent Latino music's influence in mainstream culture. Daddy Yankee infuses rhymes with vocal encantations to create solid dance songs.
*Crazy-Gnarls Barkley
Don't let the name fool you..Crazy is a deep soul-inspired track with a message. Reminds me of when my friends and I would put on our mother's shoes and twirl around the house singing...we were going to be stars and larger than life. Unfortunately, those same freinds ended up strung out on drugs and with more children than able to care for. "I think you're crazy just like me."
*Wild Honey-U2I have always loved U2. They have incredible staying power. The long-haired Bono is definitely sexy. Grace is so humbling. Pretty interesting coming from an agnostic person, huh? Wild honey has special meaning to me...some day I may share.
*Sugar We're Doing Down-Fall Out Boy
"Am I more than you bargained for yet?" "I'm just a notch in your bedpost but your're just a line in a song" Wow, very poetic. Reminds me of teenage/young adult angst. Remember when you were mired in out-of-control emotions-one moment floating, one moment falling? Reminds me of the group Panic! At the Disco.
*U Don't Know- Jay Z
Jay Z is a phenomenal rapper. He is linguistically gifted. His music exposes a hidden world of drugs, gangs, and "immorality." If you want to know why some people make bad choices, listen to the rumminations in Jay Z's songs.
Follow her song and every woman can be a boss.
*Get UR Freak On-Missy Eliott
What more do I have to say? Miss Elliott, you freakin'rock!
Other Artists on My Ipod...
The Eagles
Black Eyed Peas
Indigo Girls
Billy Joel
Bob Marley
Modest Mouse
Tori Amos
The Killers
Bob Dylan
Otis Redding
Aretha Franklin
Shania Twain
Gwen Stefani
50 Cent
I have very diverse musical tastes.
*Sexy Back-Justin Timberlake
Justin Timberlake proves that he knows how to work it with Timbaland. He takes a simple beat and adds deep sensuality. He also gives illusions to BDSM. Listen carefully..."I'll let you whip me if I misbehave"
*Hips Don't Lie-Shakira feat. Wyclef
I work my hips while brushing my teeth...a few extra minutes of midsection work...Shakira is freakin' hot and Wyclef is just talented. Also provides some political messages regarding racial profiling.
*I Write Sins Not Tragedies-Panic!At the Disco
An old new breed of alternative music. Panic takes simple everyday things adds eclectic "phonics" and turns out poetry. Sin or tragedy, you decide.
*Miss Murder-AFI
What the hell? It's loud and catchy...It's aggressive alterna-rock. Rock on...
*Rompe-Daddy Yankee
*Gasolina-Daddy Yankee
Both of these songs represent Latino music's influence in mainstream culture. Daddy Yankee infuses rhymes with vocal encantations to create solid dance songs.
*Crazy-Gnarls Barkley
Don't let the name fool you..Crazy is a deep soul-inspired track with a message. Reminds me of when my friends and I would put on our mother's shoes and twirl around the house singing...we were going to be stars and larger than life. Unfortunately, those same freinds ended up strung out on drugs and with more children than able to care for. "I think you're crazy just like me."
*Wild Honey-U2I have always loved U2. They have incredible staying power. The long-haired Bono is definitely sexy. Grace is so humbling. Pretty interesting coming from an agnostic person, huh? Wild honey has special meaning to me...some day I may share.
*Sugar We're Doing Down-Fall Out Boy
"Am I more than you bargained for yet?" "I'm just a notch in your bedpost but your're just a line in a song" Wow, very poetic. Reminds me of teenage/young adult angst. Remember when you were mired in out-of-control emotions-one moment floating, one moment falling? Reminds me of the group Panic! At the Disco.
*U Don't Know- Jay Z
Jay Z is a phenomenal rapper. He is linguistically gifted. His music exposes a hidden world of drugs, gangs, and "immorality." If you want to know why some people make bad choices, listen to the rumminations in Jay Z's songs.
Follow her song and every woman can be a boss.
*Get UR Freak On-Missy Eliott
What more do I have to say? Miss Elliott, you freakin'rock!
Other Artists on My Ipod...
The Eagles
Black Eyed Peas
Indigo Girls
Billy Joel
Bob Marley
Modest Mouse
Tori Amos
The Killers
Bob Dylan
Otis Redding
Aretha Franklin
Shania Twain
Gwen Stefani
50 Cent
Ok, so you are probably saying...we want updates we want updates!! Ok, boys and girls hold your horses!! Here are a few updates.
Austin spoke with Scott of Scott and Taryn last night. I think we are all going out for dinner or drinks in two weeks. Should be fun. We have a tentative date this week with Daniel and Vanessa but we haven't finalized anything yet. We heard from Blake and Gina today. Gina is doing well and is out of the hospital. Her parents are visiting them from Italy so I have to be careful about what I write in emails or say on the phone. Finally, the meet-and-greet is this weekend...very exciting.
So, I am just sitting here watching Tivo'ed episodes of Charmed waiting for Austin to come home with dinner.
Austin spoke with Scott of Scott and Taryn last night. I think we are all going out for dinner or drinks in two weeks. Should be fun. We have a tentative date this week with Daniel and Vanessa but we haven't finalized anything yet. We heard from Blake and Gina today. Gina is doing well and is out of the hospital. Her parents are visiting them from Italy so I have to be careful about what I write in emails or say on the phone. Finally, the meet-and-greet is this weekend...very exciting.
So, I am just sitting here watching Tivo'ed episodes of Charmed waiting for Austin to come home with dinner.
Monday, August 21, 2006
"Shake it like a polaroid picture..." Outcast
Ok, I only like a few Outcast songs. I think some of their music borders on just plain weird...Anyway, I do like the above quote...I love to shake it like a polaroid picture.
I digress...:) Ok, this post is really about pictures; specifically, the pictures on this site and on our swinger profile. I love taking pictures. I have hundreds, perhaps thousands of pictures that represent different phases of my life. Our swinger profile has over 30 pictures mostly of me.
I am always nervous posting pictures. Our swinger profile gets a lot of attention...some of it from people that we don't want attention from. I have thought about limiting the number of pictures on our site...but this may not solve our problem. I am a very private person. I know it is hard to believe. But...I am really private with my pictures. Newsflash...If I have given you pictures (and I occasionally do), it means that I really trust you.
On this site, I am limiting pictures because of privacy AND I want to maintain anonymity. Also, this is not an X-rated site so all of the pictures will be clothed...unless someone signs my guest book and says otherwise. That's a plug for my guestbook!!
I digress...:) Ok, this post is really about pictures; specifically, the pictures on this site and on our swinger profile. I love taking pictures. I have hundreds, perhaps thousands of pictures that represent different phases of my life. Our swinger profile has over 30 pictures mostly of me.
I am always nervous posting pictures. Our swinger profile gets a lot of attention...some of it from people that we don't want attention from. I have thought about limiting the number of pictures on our site...but this may not solve our problem. I am a very private person. I know it is hard to believe. But...I am really private with my pictures. Newsflash...If I have given you pictures (and I occasionally do), it means that I really trust you.
On this site, I am limiting pictures because of privacy AND I want to maintain anonymity. Also, this is not an X-rated site so all of the pictures will be clothed...unless someone signs my guest book and says otherwise. That's a plug for my guestbook!!
Scheduling...and Other Impossibilities

Before we began this adventure, Austin and I were incredibly busy. We both are active professionals and supervise large staffs of people. We were both working 60+ hours a week. So...of course it makes sense that we would add another "activity" into our already congested life. LOL!!
Who would have known that swinging is work?? Making dates, rearranging times, juggling activities... all of these things are time consuming. I could make a fortune setting up dates for swingers. I could open a swinger appointment setting service and bring a level of efficiency to swinging. :)
So this weekend seems like it could end up being pretty full. We have been invited to dinner, a meet and greet, and to hang out with friends....and to top it all off, I want to get in at least three workouts between now and Sunday. I think Austin and I will definitely need to take some time off ;).
Just to reiterate...I don't want you to think that Austin and I are always playing. We aren''s just that we are trying to find those two...possibly three couples that we can play regularly with. This means "interviewing couples" LOL. I say "interviewing" because sometimes when I meet couples, I feel like they are interviewing us. I told Mark (of Rachel and Mark) about a time when I felt that the couple interviewed us. He thought that was pretty damn funny.
So far, we definitely see ourselves as long-time friends of Gina and Blake. Right now, there is at least one other couple that we believe could be long term...but we will suspend judgment for now. So...we will keep you updated about our "circle of port" LOL
Sunday, August 20, 2006
I have added a guestbook...You are a guest...please sign and let me know you visited
I have just added a guestbook. Please sign it to let me know that you have visited my site. I really would like to know your comments. What did you like? What didn't you like? What would you like for me to discuss?? Don't may sign anonymously!!
Reconnecting with old Friends

Today I chatted with someone that we haven't played with in a while. We met Rachel and Mark around the beginning of the year. They are a very sweet couple. Rachel is gorgeous and Mark is a cutie pie. They are both very sexy and do a good job keeping their port life separated from their regular life. Rachel is the first woman that I ever kissed. Actually, she is the first woman that made me think it was alright to explore this side of myself.
I love attention from sexy people. During our last playtime, I had attention from everyone :). It was fabulous and I loved being the center of attention. So, we are going to have lunch next week. Yes, only lunch. We all have to get back to work.
I am really looking forward to seeing them. It will be fun to catch up. It is not all about is about being connected to people who are open and in touch with their sexuality and sensuality.
About the Fun New Couple (Daniel and Vanessa) I discussed Earlier
We have chatted with Daniel and Vanessa several times since meeting. Seems like we are all into each other; we think they are adorable. They are very nice people...genuine and down-to-earth.
One thing that intrigues me is that they are into mild bondage (the key is mild) so that will be an interesting experience for us. We have dabbled a bit...I like to be spanked...but it will be interesting to be with a couple that likes being spanked as well. We have a tentative date this weekend...
By the way, people can now post comments anonymously. I really am interested in your thoughts...drop me a line.
One thing that intrigues me is that they are into mild bondage (the key is mild) so that will be an interesting experience for us. We have dabbled a bit...I like to be spanked...but it will be interesting to be with a couple that likes being spanked as well. We have a tentative date this weekend...
By the way, people can now post comments anonymously. I really am interested in your thoughts...drop me a line.
Really Fun Date

We had a really fun date last night. The couple that we met is very attractive. I will call them Taryn and Scott. Taryn reminds me of a 1940s movie star. She has a wonderful quality. Scott is very much a take-charge guy. He has a great body and I can only imagine what playing with him would be like :).
They are very new to swinging and Austin and I discussed how important it is to let them set their rules with us if they decide they want to pursue a play relationship with us. They are soft swap...which is fine. We have other couples for full swap. Did I mention Gina and Blake?? Anyway, we are still fairly new and remember what it was like being with a more experienced couple. They were very gentle and patient with is important for us to provide that same level of understanding to newer couples.
Of course I say this and they haven't even mentioned how they feel about us. They may not like us :). We are very open...if people don't like us, we are not offended. Not everyone is going to be attracted to us and that's fine. We just appreciate honesty.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Ok...We LIED!!
I was just about to settle in for a quiet night with Austin when... we get an instant message from a couple that Austin has been corresponding with in his spare time :). Their pictures are very cute...they are both hotties. They are early 30's, non-smokers, and she is an accountant. They want to meet tonight. So, we think about it for a nano second and ...of course we will meet. So, there goes the port-free weekend.
We are meeting for drinks...I will have to let you know more tomorrow!!
We are meeting for drinks...I will have to let you know more tomorrow!!
Friday, August 18, 2006
First weekend without a swing activity
This is our first weekend without a scheduled "port" activity. Austin and I were just saying to ourselves how strange it is to have a totally swing-free weekend. We were going to go to a party tomorrow but decided that the ratio of "people we don't want to meet" versus "those we do want to meet" was not positive.
Don't get excited...We don't play every weekend. We just seem to go to parties and meet new couples. It's funny, there are some couples out there that want to live vicariously through others without "tasting port." Whenever we meet one of these couples, we know almost instantly...they are eager and wide-eyed but never concrete. Sometimes these relationships are fun...the sexual banter is very arousing. It is nice to flirt without the pressure. I call it "osmotic port" because these couples want to live vicariously through us and taste port through a cyberspace type of osmosis.
Our goal is to find two couples that we can play with regularly. We really want to be able to develop long-term friendships. Or should I say...friendships with benefits!! Perhaps our two couples will also dig each other and we could have a fun time with all three couples playing together...yes, I know how hard it is to find two couples that are compatible...but I can hope for three, can't I? Gina and Blake, know a third cool couple??? :)
So...this weekend we are going to have some "couple time." Austin loves swinging but also loves his time with me. I love the fact that after all of our years together, I can still turn him on. He still says that I am hot!! So this weekend, we are going to just do fun things. Hummm...what kind of fun things can two people do together???
Don't get excited...We don't play every weekend. We just seem to go to parties and meet new couples. It's funny, there are some couples out there that want to live vicariously through others without "tasting port." Whenever we meet one of these couples, we know almost instantly...they are eager and wide-eyed but never concrete. Sometimes these relationships are fun...the sexual banter is very arousing. It is nice to flirt without the pressure. I call it "osmotic port" because these couples want to live vicariously through us and taste port through a cyberspace type of osmosis.
Our goal is to find two couples that we can play with regularly. We really want to be able to develop long-term friendships. Or should I say...friendships with benefits!! Perhaps our two couples will also dig each other and we could have a fun time with all three couples playing together...yes, I know how hard it is to find two couples that are compatible...but I can hope for three, can't I? Gina and Blake, know a third cool couple??? :)
So...this weekend we are going to have some "couple time." Austin loves swinging but also loves his time with me. I love the fact that after all of our years together, I can still turn him on. He still says that I am hot!! So this weekend, we are going to just do fun things. Hummm...what kind of fun things can two people do together???
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Gina and Blake
This post is about Gina and Blake. We met them a few months ago but it seems like we have known them forever. We met and instantly liked them. They are very similar to us...quirky, smart, and devoted to animals. We have played with them multiple times and each time has been better than the previous time...Austin loves playing with Gina. He thinks that she is incredibly sexy. I must admit that I love watching Austin play with Gina. Actually, I love watching everyone. On Sunday, Blake licked Gina's breasts and looked up at it was so hot. Then...well, I won't bore you with the torrid details.
We have played with other couples, but really seem to click the best with Gina and Blake. Gina is going to have surgery; we won't have a chance to play for a few months. She is going into the hospital on Friday. She even bought new shoes for the hospital.
We have played with other couples, but really seem to click the best with Gina and Blake. Gina is going to have surgery; we won't have a chance to play for a few months. She is going into the hospital on Friday. She even bought new shoes for the hospital.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
The Triple Kiss

Friday, August 11, 2006
Disclosing the Secret
Being a swinger is a secret that stays between you, your spouse, and your playmates. However, sometimes, you need to be able to talk to someone about what you are experiencing. Today, I confided in a relative. I told her that Austin and I are swingers.
I knew that she would be cool about it. I knew that she wouldn't "out me" to friends and relatives. A few days before I told her, I called and said that I had found out that a good friend was a swinger. She seemed shocked but also curious. She started asking questions about the does she do it, when, etc.
Ok, the test was over and she didn't freak out. Three days later (today), I called her and said that I am really the swinger. She was surprised but did not judge. Instead, she was supportive. More later...
I knew that she would be cool about it. I knew that she wouldn't "out me" to friends and relatives. A few days before I told her, I called and said that I had found out that a good friend was a swinger. She seemed shocked but also curious. She started asking questions about the does she do it, when, etc.
Ok, the test was over and she didn't freak out. Three days later (today), I called her and said that I am really the swinger. She was surprised but did not judge. Instead, she was supportive. More later...
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Our Favorite Couple
We are having dinner soon with our favorite couple...I will call them Gina and Blake. I feel like I am in high school all over again. Remember when you had a "best friend." Well, I feel a little ridiculous having a "favorite couple." LOL...It is just really fun having a couple that you connect with. We haven't directly told them that they are our favorite...It is probably not reciprocal. We don't talk about the other couples that we play with and they could have a couple that they play with that is cooler and clicks with them even more than us. That's fine because the thrill is that we actually have a couple that stands out from the rest.
I just realized that I haven't given hubby a name. I will call him Austin. Austin and I have been spending a lot of time with Gina and Blake lately. Gina is having surgery and so we won't see them for a while.
So, I have to pick out an outfit for dinner. Picking out clothes is so fun for me. I feel like such a girly-girl. A few years ago, I laughed at those girly-girl women...the ones with polka dotted clothes and pink shoes. But, in recent years, I have decided that I am a lot more feminine than I thought. LOL.
So, we are really looking forward to seeing Gina and Blake. There won't be any playing, just dinner. Yes, sometimes swingers get together and don't have sex. Although, I must admit, I will miss having sex with them. Until later...
I just realized that I haven't given hubby a name. I will call him Austin. Austin and I have been spending a lot of time with Gina and Blake lately. Gina is having surgery and so we won't see them for a while.
So, I have to pick out an outfit for dinner. Picking out clothes is so fun for me. I feel like such a girly-girl. A few years ago, I laughed at those girly-girl women...the ones with polka dotted clothes and pink shoes. But, in recent years, I have decided that I am a lot more feminine than I thought. LOL.
So, we are really looking forward to seeing Gina and Blake. There won't be any playing, just dinner. Yes, sometimes swingers get together and don't have sex. Although, I must admit, I will miss having sex with them. Until later...
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Fun New Couple

So...our date went well. We always meet new couples in a public location. Today, we met in a Chinese restaurant. I have to mention that I don't like Chinese food. It is usually too heavy for me. But...Chinese food seems to be a favorite with the general public so it is a "safe" bet when meeting people.
We arrived first and sat at the door to wait for them. The restaurant was somewhat empty. We try to pick "non peak"times. So, we sat and waited...
We saw them walk up. They were adorable; they both had wonderfully friendly smiles and attitudes (hummm...I will call them Daniel and Vanessa). We sat in one of those circular booths. You know, the ones that make you feel like you are about ten years old.
Let me digress...Seating arrangements are sometimes stressful. Do you sit next to your partner or your potential play partner (Daniel)? Do you make the decision or do you ask? Anyway, I ended up sitting next to Vanessa....which was fine with me.
So we ended up chatting about all kinds of things...they seem very fun. Before we met them I told hubby that based on their pictures, they may be more experienced than we wanted. But...their profile was really cute so we decided to meet them. We spent time asking them about their experiences. Fortunately, we are on the same page with what we want out of a swing relationship. Will keep you posted...
Friday, August 04, 2006
Meeting New Couples
We haven't met a new couple in a few weeks. We haven't had time- -we have been spending time with a really fabulous couple. They are intelligent, attractive, and extremely yummy. Hubby and I enjoy their company and we are convinced that they dig us as well. We wish we could spend even more time with them :).
Tomorrow we are meeting a new couple and I must admit, I feel really out of sorts. I am excited, but at the same time, a tad nervous. Every new meeting is draining in a way. There's so much energy spent chatting, then talking on the phone, then actually setting up the "date." If we meet and don't click, it feels like a terrible waste of time and energy. However, when everyone clicks it is so worth it.
Tomorrow we are meeting a new couple and I must admit, I feel really out of sorts. I am excited, but at the same time, a tad nervous. Every new meeting is draining in a way. There's so much energy spent chatting, then talking on the phone, then actually setting up the "date." If we meet and don't click, it feels like a terrible waste of time and energy. However, when everyone clicks it is so worth it.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
I have noticed that swingers are so diverse...The stereotype is that swingers are...
male: leisure suit, large medallion, condom-stuffed pants, slicked back hair, shaved "down there"
female: sexy blonde (natural or in a can), excessive make up, boob job, red fingernails, shaved "down there"
Not saying that swingers aren't focused on physical just means that the definition of attractiveness varies. It's just like high school. You see "beautiful people," nerds, jocks, artsy folks, etc. that are swingers. Umm...I guess we never grew up.
What is beautiful to us? We like people that are fun, confident, and intelligent. Yes, we must be attracted to them. So I am embarrassed to say this but we like physical attractiveness. When attractiveness is combined with intelligence, my knees melt. Our favorite couple values (and possesses) these qualities as well.
I probably have more beauty products than the average person. I have a million little tubes and bottles. I have exfoliators for my face, body, legs, lips, and other places. I have special lotions, cleansers, and masks. I enjoy pampering myself. Today I did a facial treatment. This summer has been hot and I have struggled to keep moisture in my skin. Hubby thinks I have too many products...but he loves the results of the concoctions. He he!!
male: leisure suit, large medallion, condom-stuffed pants, slicked back hair, shaved "down there"
female: sexy blonde (natural or in a can), excessive make up, boob job, red fingernails, shaved "down there"
Not saying that swingers aren't focused on physical just means that the definition of attractiveness varies. It's just like high school. You see "beautiful people," nerds, jocks, artsy folks, etc. that are swingers. Umm...I guess we never grew up.
What is beautiful to us? We like people that are fun, confident, and intelligent. Yes, we must be attracted to them. So I am embarrassed to say this but we like physical attractiveness. When attractiveness is combined with intelligence, my knees melt. Our favorite couple values (and possesses) these qualities as well.
I probably have more beauty products than the average person. I have a million little tubes and bottles. I have exfoliators for my face, body, legs, lips, and other places. I have special lotions, cleansers, and masks. I enjoy pampering myself. Today I did a facial treatment. This summer has been hot and I have struggled to keep moisture in my skin. Hubby thinks I have too many products...but he loves the results of the concoctions. He he!!
So hubby and I are dating again- Only this time, we are dating couples. I
remember meeting our first couple. We were both so nervous, yet excited. We met them and the thrill left- there was absolutely 0% attraction. We were disappointed but realized that it would take time to meet the right couple.
Our next date was a few weeks later. This was a couple that we had chatted with for weeks. They seemed really nice. Again, our anticipation and excitement escalated. We both prepared for our date...I ran around asking hubby what he thought about outfits. What should I wear? I didn't want to look too sexy...After all, we wanted to get to know the couple, not instantly jump into bed. I didn't want to look too conservative, either. I found a common middle ground.
We drove to the restaurant. The ride was filled with excitement. We reviewed our rules and talked about what we wanted to get out of our initial meeting. We laughed and held hands. I felt like I was in high school again.
We arrived before them. My first thought was...oh no, they aren't coming. But I was wrong...they were there waiting for us. We hadn't been stood up.
This couple was different. We all clicked. It was amazing. This was our first really good date.
remember meeting our first couple. We were both so nervous, yet excited. We met them and the thrill left- there was absolutely 0% attraction. We were disappointed but realized that it would take time to meet the right couple.
Our next date was a few weeks later. This was a couple that we had chatted with for weeks. They seemed really nice. Again, our anticipation and excitement escalated. We both prepared for our date...I ran around asking hubby what he thought about outfits. What should I wear? I didn't want to look too sexy...After all, we wanted to get to know the couple, not instantly jump into bed. I didn't want to look too conservative, either. I found a common middle ground.
We drove to the restaurant. The ride was filled with excitement. We reviewed our rules and talked about what we wanted to get out of our initial meeting. We laughed and held hands. I felt like I was in high school again.
We arrived before them. My first thought was...oh no, they aren't coming. But I was wrong...they were there waiting for us. We hadn't been stood up.
This couple was different. We all clicked. It was amazing. This was our first really good date.
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