So I am chatting with a potential couple for me-Carter and Alley. They seem really adorable, funny, and sexy. I like them a lot. We have been chatting and have spoken a couple of times on the phone. They like the fact that I am married and am not a single woman out to snare a man. Speaking of that...little known fact: When I was in highschool I had a few "friends" that thought I was trying to steal their boyfriends. I never understood that. Anyway, back to the story at hand. So, I am looking forward to meeting Carter and Alley.
Blake and Gina phoned and we chatted for a while. They are such sweeties. Austin and I have a lot of plans for them when we see them again (face lick!!).
Sam and Yancey are doing well. Sam is out of town. He has to get back soon so I can have my MFM action with Austin.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Testing Time...
So, every year, every sexually-active woman has a ritual (or should have a ritual). WE go to "get our annual." The exam is such a regular part of my life....I have gotten one every year since I was 19. It was never a big deal...before swinging.
This is my first year going as a "loose woman" lol. She always asks a bunch of standard questions. Are you sexually active, have you had any problems, how many sexual partners have you had this year, have you engaged in any risky behaviors, have you always used condoms, even with oral, and others. Oh shit! My closest friend and I go to the same Dr. and so I asked her opinion regarding what I should say. She said "the truth. she's a doctor, she's heard it all." Yipes. She's right. The more I think about it, the more I realize, she's absolutely right.
So, while I am terrified of her judging me for my life, I feel empowered and care about my health as well as the health of my playmates. I am concerned about safety and owe it to myself to be honest about my behaviors, even those that may raise eyebrows. So, it's testing time again. :)
This is my first year going as a "loose woman" lol. She always asks a bunch of standard questions. Are you sexually active, have you had any problems, how many sexual partners have you had this year, have you engaged in any risky behaviors, have you always used condoms, even with oral, and others. Oh shit! My closest friend and I go to the same Dr. and so I asked her opinion regarding what I should say. She said "the truth. she's a doctor, she's heard it all." Yipes. She's right. The more I think about it, the more I realize, she's absolutely right.
So, while I am terrified of her judging me for my life, I feel empowered and care about my health as well as the health of my playmates. I am concerned about safety and owe it to myself to be honest about my behaviors, even those that may raise eyebrows. So, it's testing time again. :)
Monday, November 27, 2006
The Newness of It All...
Austin and I experienced a first this week...
Austin had his first "temper tantrum" related to swinging. Although, he swears that people won't believe me because he is so even-tempered. By the way, he just read this and is laughing at me!! Ok, yes, I admit that I am usually the "brat" in the relationship, but this time Austin demonstrated that he can give me a run for my money on the "brat-o-meter." He is still laughing at this post!!! So, how was the temper tantrum curtailed? Take a guess :).
Austin had his first "temper tantrum" related to swinging. Although, he swears that people won't believe me because he is so even-tempered. By the way, he just read this and is laughing at me!! Ok, yes, I admit that I am usually the "brat" in the relationship, but this time Austin demonstrated that he can give me a run for my money on the "brat-o-meter." He is still laughing at this post!!! So, how was the temper tantrum curtailed? Take a guess :).
Thursday, November 23, 2006
A lot to think about...

Single Woman Wanted:What was I thinking? I didn't realize that my profile would receive so many messages. I have had to surf through messages and it has totally worn me out. Austin is laughing at me. Speaking of Austin, I am so fortunate that Austin understands my need to have this fantasy fulfilled. I just really want a couple to worship me. Ok, that sounds completely selfish but hey, apparently there are couples out there that have the fantasy of pleasing and worshipping a woman so...perhaps I shouldn't feel so self-centered. :)
I have been chatting with a nice couple and think I could have a good match. By the way, do people understand what "no smokers" means? I received so many messages from smokers.
Second MFM: Wow! Is all I can say. Austin and Sam are definitely sexy and quite energetic. Being blindfolded with two men is pretty racy!
Blake and Gina: We miss seeing them...a lot. Our beach trip was incredible; we will definitely plan another..if Gina and Blake agree ;).

Update on Spider Bite: Thanks to everyone who sent positive thoughts regarding my spider bite. I can say that my skin is 98% back to normal. Of course, I have been using my favorite moisturizer to rejuvenate the area.
Update on Waxing: So, I am not baby smooth anymore and must decide how far I want to go. I am thinking of not doing the full bikini. Thoughts??
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Finally Did It...
I finally did it...For a while, Austin and I have been talking about one of my have a couple that is completely devoted to ME. So...Austin said it was fine for me to post a profile searching for a couple. I don't want my profile to take time away from our couples port activities. I also don't want it to take away from the time that Austin and I spend together.
I posted the profile and within two minutes I had two requests for private chats and two emails. I guess single women are pretty desired lol!! So...I will have to let you know how this goes!!
I posted the profile and within two minutes I had two requests for private chats and two emails. I guess single women are pretty desired lol!! So...I will have to let you know how this goes!!
Friday, November 17, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Picture Problems
I am having trouble posting pictures on this site. Double-click to see the pictures. I will work on fixing it...bear with me :).
Wine Club Update

Didn't get a chance to play with Sam and Yancey yesterday. However, there were some interesting happenings. First,this was a vanilla party and so we had to be very careful. Next, Turk's wife is what some would call a "prude" so we had to try and monitor our conversations around her. Let me just say that this is one of those sacrifices that I make for Austin. He is very good friends with Turk and if I offend Turk's wife, she will "forbid" him from seeing Austin. I know, it sounds crazy but I know how much Austin's friendship means to him. So this is a "sacrifice" that I am willing to make. Finally, I think one of our guests may have a suspicion about us. I just have this feeling...nothing concrete, just a hunch.
Anyway, here is a picture of the sexy new undies that I bought last week. Pink lace...just typing that sounds sexy ;).
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Wine Club

Austin and his friend Turk have a wine club. He's vanilla- that means, he is not involved in any swinging activities. He is the only friend that Austin has told about our "activities." I think he secretly longs to swing but his wife would never go for it. Friends are about to come over in a few. But before they do, Austin and I might see Sam and Yancey for a little pre-wine activities. Anyway, I am exhausted from cleaning for the party. Our house still looks somewhat chaotic, but it will have to do.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
The Weekend is Almost Over...

So we are totally missing our friends. Big kisses to you!!!
Friday, November 03, 2006
Another Guestbook Reminder :)
Just want to remind you to sign my guestbook so that I know that you stopped by. You can sign anonymously. Just click on the pen
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Waxing Update
WE are Back!!!!
We are back from our trip. We finally saw Gina and Blake and I must was fabulous! We went on an overnight trip to the beach. We had so much freakin'fun...a threesome with Gina, Austin, and I was so hot. Austin and Gina headed out to the balcony for some excitement while Blake and I had our own indoor party.
We value Gina and Blake a lot. They are great people..anyone who can stay overnight with me and still like me must be great!! They are deeply committed to each other. They get all googly-eyed when they talk about each other. They are so cute with each other.
WE also really enjoy Yancey and Sam. Sam is insane about Yancey. They are such down to earth people. Sam is very open and sensitive. Yancey is so interesting. She has led such an exciting life.
I think swinging has really enhanced my relationship with Austin. WE have always adored each other, but I find myself adoring him in a different way. He trusts me to have sex with others and is not threatened by that and vice versa. WOW! That is truly amazing. We have this amazing connection with each other. It is because of this connection that we are able to swing and truly enjoy it.
We value Gina and Blake a lot. They are great people..anyone who can stay overnight with me and still like me must be great!! They are deeply committed to each other. They get all googly-eyed when they talk about each other. They are so cute with each other.
WE also really enjoy Yancey and Sam. Sam is insane about Yancey. They are such down to earth people. Sam is very open and sensitive. Yancey is so interesting. She has led such an exciting life.
I think swinging has really enhanced my relationship with Austin. WE have always adored each other, but I find myself adoring him in a different way. He trusts me to have sex with others and is not threatened by that and vice versa. WOW! That is truly amazing. We have this amazing connection with each other. It is because of this connection that we are able to swing and truly enjoy it.
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