Sam came over last Sunday to visit. All I am going to say is that it was very very fun. Austin was helping a friend all day and said that I could invite Sam over to visit if I wanted. So, I did. This was the first time that I played with someone on my own...besides my couple. It was quite fun. I really think that Sam and Yancey are fantastic and was really happy to have this experience.
Next week Austin is going out of town and I am going to spend the night with Gina and Blake. I am pretty excited about seeing them. BTW...Seems like Gina, Blake, Sam, and Yancey may like each other after all. I have to just wait and see what unfolds.
Regarding pictures...I am still not feeling like taking any. However, I really need some new pictures. I am just not motivated at this time. Any ideas???
Monday, March 19, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Another update with no pics
I haven't taken any new pics lately. For some reasaon, I have been having a "my body needs some work" week. Every now and then I get in this mood where I just don't feel all that great about my body. Of course Austin tries to remedy this by giving me compliments. However, I always tell him that he is biased.
Blake, Gina, Yancey, and Sam met each other on Thursday. I think it went well. I haven't asked any of the parties how they felt about the meeting. Honestly, I am not sure I want the answer :).
One thing Austin and I talked about was not my palm pilot or pocket pc. Personal Display of Affection. Austin is a lot more affectionate than me. He likes to cuddle and kiss and all of that other "mushy" stuff. I am not overly demonstrative with my affections. I hold hands in public and may give a few pecks, but any more would be excessive. Austin is much more affectionate, even with our play partners. I must admit, its funny seeing your life partner in public with another woman while thinking "get a room." LOL. Gina is a cuddle kissy bunny as well and when they get together...Anyhow, we had a very interesting conversation.
Austin really holds back with me; I know this. One thing he likes about swinging is that he gets an opportunity to be with someone who enjoys that type of affection.
After dinner, I was able to finally give Austin his holiday gift. Gina and I enjoyed Austin for a threesome. :) Austin is still thanking me.
Blake, Gina, Yancey, and Sam met each other on Thursday. I think it went well. I haven't asked any of the parties how they felt about the meeting. Honestly, I am not sure I want the answer :).
One thing Austin and I talked about was not my palm pilot or pocket pc. Personal Display of Affection. Austin is a lot more affectionate than me. He likes to cuddle and kiss and all of that other "mushy" stuff. I am not overly demonstrative with my affections. I hold hands in public and may give a few pecks, but any more would be excessive. Austin is much more affectionate, even with our play partners. I must admit, its funny seeing your life partner in public with another woman while thinking "get a room." LOL. Gina is a cuddle kissy bunny as well and when they get together...Anyhow, we had a very interesting conversation.
Austin really holds back with me; I know this. One thing he likes about swinging is that he gets an opportunity to be with someone who enjoys that type of affection.
After dinner, I was able to finally give Austin his holiday gift. Gina and I enjoyed Austin for a threesome. :) Austin is still thanking me.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Gina, Blake, Sam, and Yancey are having dinner with Austin and I at the end of this week. I am really looking forward to them meeting each other. At first, Austin and I were afraid to have everyone meet. What if they don't like each other? But then we figured...hey, we are all adults. If they like each other...that opens up the possibility of an orgy (ok...three couples or more is an orgy). But...if they don't, well, we can all handle it.
I just finished chatting with Bridgett and Jude. They are definitely sexy. Gina and Blake have played with them and Austin and I have as well so perhaps...oh, I am getting too excited thinking about the possibilities. I'd better "contain that nuclear reaction." he he...get it???
By the way, Austin and I saw Black Snake Moan. It was really good. There were multiple themes but I think the two big ones were pervasive throughout the entire movie. The first one was an interesting and complex analysis of the "brother's keeper" argument. Specifically, where does ones responsibility to others and society begin and end. The second one was a look at the consequences of child sex abuse.
Samuel Jackson is a deeply religious yet, somewhat angry ex-blues player who needs a purpose in his life. He finds this purpose when a very "drugged out" Christina Ricci falls on his doorstep. He believes that her appearance is "divine" and will help him gain something that he has lost. Jackson will "not be moved" in his quest to force Ricci to get her life "right." However, he eventually comes to the conclusion that he can't save her...she must do that herself.
Ricci is excellent as a trashy southern "fuck 'em all" girl. A survivor of sexual abuse, Ricci goes through life having "fits" until she is satisfied with a penis. She continuously has flashbacks; her mother knew about the abuse but did nothing to stop it. In a way, each flashback validates her worthlessness.
Why did I spend time discussing this movie? Because I was deeply moved by certain parts of it. This is the story of people who try to find meaning in their existence and understand their connection to others around them. Ricci uses sex to connect her to others; Jackson uses music. Jackson is the dogmatic hero that is only able to save Ricci when he releases his hold on her. IN other words, he finally understands that letting go is more important than holding on. That symbolism is touching to me.
I just finished chatting with Bridgett and Jude. They are definitely sexy. Gina and Blake have played with them and Austin and I have as well so perhaps...oh, I am getting too excited thinking about the possibilities. I'd better "contain that nuclear reaction." he he...get it???
By the way, Austin and I saw Black Snake Moan. It was really good. There were multiple themes but I think the two big ones were pervasive throughout the entire movie. The first one was an interesting and complex analysis of the "brother's keeper" argument. Specifically, where does ones responsibility to others and society begin and end. The second one was a look at the consequences of child sex abuse.
Samuel Jackson is a deeply religious yet, somewhat angry ex-blues player who needs a purpose in his life. He finds this purpose when a very "drugged out" Christina Ricci falls on his doorstep. He believes that her appearance is "divine" and will help him gain something that he has lost. Jackson will "not be moved" in his quest to force Ricci to get her life "right." However, he eventually comes to the conclusion that he can't save her...she must do that herself.
Ricci is excellent as a trashy southern "fuck 'em all" girl. A survivor of sexual abuse, Ricci goes through life having "fits" until she is satisfied with a penis. She continuously has flashbacks; her mother knew about the abuse but did nothing to stop it. In a way, each flashback validates her worthlessness.
Why did I spend time discussing this movie? Because I was deeply moved by certain parts of it. This is the story of people who try to find meaning in their existence and understand their connection to others around them. Ricci uses sex to connect her to others; Jackson uses music. Jackson is the dogmatic hero that is only able to save Ricci when he releases his hold on her. IN other words, he finally understands that letting go is more important than holding on. That symbolism is touching to me.
Monday, March 12, 2007
I am so exhausted today. Of course I want to blame it on the time change like everyone else. But...honestly I am just feeling a tad off-center today. I think playing is a really intense experience and it probably takes a second for me to refocus.
Oh, before I forget, Gina, Blake, Sam, and Yancey are going to meet this week. This is exciting and scary for me. There are a million end results but only one that will actually happen. Hopefully the end result will be good.
Oh, before I forget, Gina, Blake, Sam, and Yancey are going to meet this week. This is exciting and scary for me. There are a million end results but only one that will actually happen. Hopefully the end result will be good.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Update on Amanda And Burke
Remember Amanda and Burke? The "non vanilla" couple that we hang out with in a "vanilla" way? Well, we had a fun time hanging out with them a week ago. Anyway, I think they have converted a couple to the non vanilla life. Very exciting I must say.
Ok, this is important to say. swingers do not go around trying to convert couples. It just so happens that this couple was a "wanna be" but didn't know any swingers. Once they found some, they quickly revealed their true side. LOL
Ok, this is important to say. swingers do not go around trying to convert couples. It just so happens that this couple was a "wanna be" but didn't know any swingers. Once they found some, they quickly revealed their true side. LOL
Life -Versus- the Lifestyle
We met with Yancey and Sam on Friday. Yancey knows every artistic person in our city and we went to an art showing for one of her friends. While we were there, we got a chance to watch the master social butterfly in action. Yancey was totally working the room. She would see someone and float over to chat...she was really alive.
I am not the soical butterfly...people usually think I am a lot more outgoing than I am. Yes, I love being the center of attention, but that doesn't make me a social butterfly. In fact, I am a lot more introverted than people think.
After the art show, we went to this cute little wine bar for a drink. I had a delicious hot chocolate. Austin had wine of course.
Sam and Yancey are really fun and I think it is wonderful that we can have a completely vanilla evening and truly enjoy each other. Well, who knows what thoughts we had during the evening :). You know they are "flexible" LOL.
We played with Blake and Gina last weekend and our new friends, Bridgett and Jude. We met Bridgett and Jude at the house party a few weeks ago. They were the couple that sent us an email after the party. Actually, we have had several couples send us emails but they were the ones that we really wanted to connect with.
Bridgett and Jude are very sexy. Bridgett reminds me of Andie McDowell. She has this incredible face and short dark hair. She has an incredible body and very cute feet. Jude reminds me of an older "bad boy" Johnny Depp. He has these wonderfully sexy eyes and while we were having sex, he kept his attention focused on me. You know I LOVE attention!! He was extremely honest about what he wanted and I totally appreciated that. OMG he has this wonderful and very intense expression...very sexy.
Jude directed for a while and had Bridgett, Austin and me in a very sexy pose. Austin was on his back, I was on top of Austin facing away...we were having sex and in front of me licking my clit. Ok, I usually am not this vocal about the things that we do...but it was a really cool position so I had to share. Sorry if I offended or excited you.
Life Versus the Lifestyle. We identify as being part of the "lifestyle" but what the hell does that mean?? And...when does swinging become your "life?" There was a time when we had a dry spell; we went to parties but did not play with anyone. Swinging definitely wasn't our life. Now it feels like we are constantly on the go and I am somewhat conflicted. I LOVE our circle of friends. I enjoy having sex with our playmates and feeling the accompanying closeness.
But... I also want to keep our "circle of port" small. I don't want to "live the lifestyle." I don't want to be one of those people that is always on the lookout for partners. I want swinging to continue to complement our life- not become it.
ON the other hand...shouldn't I just feel comfortable being the little freak that I am? As long as Austin and I are having fun...shouldn't we just keep doing what we are doing? Yeah...I'm convinced :).
I am not the soical butterfly...people usually think I am a lot more outgoing than I am. Yes, I love being the center of attention, but that doesn't make me a social butterfly. In fact, I am a lot more introverted than people think.
After the art show, we went to this cute little wine bar for a drink. I had a delicious hot chocolate. Austin had wine of course.
Sam and Yancey are really fun and I think it is wonderful that we can have a completely vanilla evening and truly enjoy each other. Well, who knows what thoughts we had during the evening :). You know they are "flexible" LOL.
We played with Blake and Gina last weekend and our new friends, Bridgett and Jude. We met Bridgett and Jude at the house party a few weeks ago. They were the couple that sent us an email after the party. Actually, we have had several couples send us emails but they were the ones that we really wanted to connect with.
Bridgett and Jude are very sexy. Bridgett reminds me of Andie McDowell. She has this incredible face and short dark hair. She has an incredible body and very cute feet. Jude reminds me of an older "bad boy" Johnny Depp. He has these wonderfully sexy eyes and while we were having sex, he kept his attention focused on me. You know I LOVE attention!! He was extremely honest about what he wanted and I totally appreciated that. OMG he has this wonderful and very intense expression...very sexy.
Jude directed for a while and had Bridgett, Austin and me in a very sexy pose. Austin was on his back, I was on top of Austin facing away...we were having sex and in front of me licking my clit. Ok, I usually am not this vocal about the things that we do...but it was a really cool position so I had to share. Sorry if I offended or excited you.
Life Versus the Lifestyle. We identify as being part of the "lifestyle" but what the hell does that mean?? And...when does swinging become your "life?" There was a time when we had a dry spell; we went to parties but did not play with anyone. Swinging definitely wasn't our life. Now it feels like we are constantly on the go and I am somewhat conflicted. I LOVE our circle of friends. I enjoy having sex with our playmates and feeling the accompanying closeness.
But... I also want to keep our "circle of port" small. I don't want to "live the lifestyle." I don't want to be one of those people that is always on the lookout for partners. I want swinging to continue to complement our life- not become it.
ON the other hand...shouldn't I just feel comfortable being the little freak that I am? As long as Austin and I are having fun...shouldn't we just keep doing what we are doing? Yeah...I'm convinced :).
Monday, March 05, 2007
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Weekend Summary
So, we had a port filled weekend. We saw Gina and Blake and had a great time with them. They are such a nice couple. Although, I am very tired right now.
I ended up taking a few hot pics of Blake, Austin, and Gina. I bet these pics spur an MFM among the three of them. Of course, they would have to take pics for me or I would be very upset :).
Anyway, we were recontacted by a very nice couple that sent us an email a while ago. At the time, we could not meet anyone. We were swamped with a few things. However, we have decided to go and meet them.
Austin chatted with the guy for a while. This is unusual because Austin is not a chatter. In fact, he only chats with Gina with any regularity. a few weeks we will be meeting Tom and Connie. I think we are going there but I am not sure...I am letting Austin do all of the scheduling from now on. He thinks that I am not direct enough with people.
By the way, the wonderful thing about waxing is that I have discovered that I have a sensitive side. Wonder how I can use this knowledge for good instead of evil.
I ended up taking a few hot pics of Blake, Austin, and Gina. I bet these pics spur an MFM among the three of them. Of course, they would have to take pics for me or I would be very upset :).
Anyway, we were recontacted by a very nice couple that sent us an email a while ago. At the time, we could not meet anyone. We were swamped with a few things. However, we have decided to go and meet them.
Austin chatted with the guy for a while. This is unusual because Austin is not a chatter. In fact, he only chats with Gina with any regularity. a few weeks we will be meeting Tom and Connie. I think we are going there but I am not sure...I am letting Austin do all of the scheduling from now on. He thinks that I am not direct enough with people.
By the way, the wonderful thing about waxing is that I have discovered that I have a sensitive side. Wonder how I can use this knowledge for good instead of evil.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Weekend Plans
We may be seeing Austin and Gina tomorrow. We are not sure if we will drive to see them or if they will visit us. We also have plans with a very very sexy couple that we met last week at the house party. They are both very yummy and Austin and I are really looking forward to hanging out with them. 
We had a photoshoot...this time the theme was pink. This is an outfit that Austin picked out. I think he did an excellent job. boobs appear much larger in this top. LOL
Trust in a swing relationship
Trust is extremely important in a swing relationship. You trust that your swing partners are being honest about their HIV and other STD status. You trust that they will not bring drama into your lives. You trust that they will not try to destroy your love relationship. Trust is paramount.
So when you find out that someone has broken that is disappointing. A close member of our "circle of port" discovered that another friend was dishonest. Fortunately, it wasn't about any of the aforementioned things. Nevertheless, it was a breach of trust and not to be ignored.
So when you find out that someone has broken that is disappointing. A close member of our "circle of port" discovered that another friend was dishonest. Fortunately, it wasn't about any of the aforementioned things. Nevertheless, it was a breach of trust and not to be ignored.
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