I admit...I am delinquent with this blog. Lately, I have had so many things going on.
It seems like I am always moving and involving myself in new ventures :).
We have not stopped our "fun" activities.. it has just been difficult for me to write down my thoughts and actions. Since my last update, we have written some "difficult" emails. Of course, Austin has done all of the writing.
Anyway, there was a couple that we played with a few months ago. They were very nice but we were not sexually compatible. Austin and I discussed this at length and decided that we really had to be honest. Of course I was sensitive...I did not want them to feel rejected. But--at the same time, I knew that we had to be true to ourselves. They are very nice people, our sexual style was just very different. I know that being honest is important in swinging, but it just felt kind of odd.
Also, there is another couple that we had dinner with a few weeks ago. They are very nice and we felt a strong connection with them. He was very sexy...I could see myself having lots of fun with him. But... we have a concern. Austin and I are really conscious about safety. We look for couples who are in long-term committed relationships. Our rationale is that those in long term relationships would be less likely to do things to jeopardize their families. Also, longer termed couples have established themselves as a couple. Thus, we want to minimize the risk of jealousy. This couple has only been together for a few months. He also used to swing as a single male and I wonder about his ability to understand how to swing as a couple.
This seems like a small thing... But, we have had experiences that have helped us develop these guidelines.
Austin had an MFM!! Not only MFM, but a SECRET and elaborately planned MFM. A very sexy man wanted to make his wife's fantasy come true. We had played with them before and felt very comfortable with them. So, last week Austin received a text message that indicated the place of the MFM. He arrived at the hotel and she was already tied and blindfolded. Needless to say, Austin was very happy when he came home!!! Va-va-voom!!! So of course, I am trying to get him to write a personal story for this blog. :)