Ok, so I have had a day to chat with Austin about the party. We have both decided not to go to any other parties alone because well...let me give you our rendition of the evening...
I had been thinking about the party for a while. Let's just say the theme involved plaid skirts, pigtails, and "panties." I had my outfit...a very cute mini skirt, white shirt, and shiny black leather shoes. Oh, did I forget to mention the pigtails or should I say...cute curly puffs. Austin rocked his cool metrosexual look...slate grey gabardine pants and a kenneth cole shirt. He definitely looked tasty.
So, the party started at 7:30, I think...but we arrived at 10:00. We walked in and there were probably about 30 couples. I was instantly disappointed...I thought that there would be significantly more people there. But, oh well, we had to make the best of it.
So Austin and I stood on the outskirts of the room and scanned the crowd. Mostly 30s, 40s and some 50s. People were pretty average looking. Ok...vain person is emerging...Austin and I are real people but many would say that we are definitely attractive. We both work out and I worked as an art model for several years. I mention this because it didn't seem like people wanted to approach us. Couples checked us out but noone approached us. Newsflash...we were alone.
So, ok...we did chat with a few people. Brad and Peggy were there. They used to be our friends, but Peggy really dislikes me...so, didn't want to hang around them. We ran into Skip and Molly. They are really cute and very active in the swing community. Molly and I had on similar shoes. They are very sweet and are always super nice to us.
WE also ran into a person that "blocked" us on our swinger site. Blocking means that you can't access their profile or interact with them. It's kind of like a "go to hell you bastards" statement. The funny thing is that we have no idea why we are blocked. We haven't had any contact with this couple. It is bizarre. But...during this party...she was so friendly to me....touching me while we were dancing...and finally asking me if I was "bi." So, Austin was just dying to ask her why they blocked us. I don't even know if she knew who we were. he he!! Her loss!
So the night went on and Austin and I danced a bit. I did my "hey look at me dance" that's swinger talk for a sexy dance. I didn't drink- I probably would have had a better time if I had a few drinks.
So, around 12:00, they opened the "hospitality suite." What a let down! A bunch of really weird men running around asking me if I wanted some fruit soaked in vodka or some type of strong alcohol. Ok, I haven't randomly consumed anything from a stranger since college so..um, no dude...I will not eat your fruit. So, Austin and I laid on a bed to chill and of course we got some stares from RSDs. RSDs= random single dudes. A term coined by Austin to denote random men who just hang around and mooch. Austin is kind of eccentric and likes to coin phrases. He has also coined IOW= incredibly overweight woman. Ok...back to the story. Honestly, we were so tired and annoyed we left.
Sam and Yancey were suppose to be there but they had a good sense to stay away. We were suppose to play with them this weekend but may have to change plans.
So what does this tell me...parties are not the way to go.
On another note...we did hear from Marco and Babette. Remember the meet and greet hosts? We are getting together in October sometime.
Austin just received a message from Gina. They are doing well and looking forward to seeing us in October. I think we may have an extended reunion...yummy.
By the way, I watched my first episode of Sex in the City. It was pretty interesting. Am I hooked...no. But...it was pretty, um... interesting.