I am having the hardest time coming up with titles for my entries. So please forgive me if my titles sound a bit obscure. WE had a nice date last night. We met Yancey and Sam at a little Indian restaurant. Sam has had his fair share of Indian food and swore that this restaurant was the best in our area. I have to admit, it was very good. The booths were tiny and Austin's legs were hanging in the aisles.
Yancey has shoulder-length blonde hair and Sam, well Sam is bald, clean-shaven except for a little patch lol. They both are very friendly and we spent the entire evening chatting (after we found the place- my sense of directins is horrible). It's funny, they are both creative and artsy and Austin and I are more of the preppy suburbanites. We wondered if they would see us as boring...lol.
They are not new to porttasting but haven't met very many couples in the area. We can definitely understand their frustration. We told them about our quest to find our "circle of port." We mentioned two of our frustrations to them, couples that just want to chat and never meet and couples that have false/fake pictures on their profiles. Seems like many swingers can relate to these frustrations. Lol!!
We are the first couple that they have met since moving to our community. We explained to them that we have a couple that we have really connected with (Gina and Blake). Yancey said that she really wanted to develop a friendship with a couple and so she was happy that we had found a couple that we really clicked with. I guess we gave them hope that you can develop friends with benefits.
By the way, I have been emailing and chatting with Babette and Marco. Remember, they hosted the Meet and Greet that we went to a few weeks ago. Marco is the doctor. WE like them a lot and want we all agree that we would love to get together once their schedule is better. WE are trying for October.
Gina and Blake are doing well. WE really miss them and think about them often.
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