
Jude, Bridget, Blake, Gina, Austin and I celebrated a birthday on Saturday. I won't say whose birthday it was :). he he!! Anyway, the group, sans me went on an excursion. I didn't go because I am definitely not the outdoor type. By the way, on Saturday, I had a first. My first threesome with Bridget and Jude. It was really fabulous. Actually, pretty spectacular. Honestly, I think the fact that Bridget is super-bi made it an incredibly erotic experience.
Sleep Update:
I have been pretty exhausted lately. My sleeping has waxed and waned and I have been trying to avoid taking medication. I haven't been to the sleep clinic yet. I have been procrastinating. The funny thing is that I slept with Jude (actually I literally slept with Jude) on Saturday night and he has a theory about why I am not sleeping. He thinks I have difficulty breathing. Ok, Jude, M.D. we will see what the sleep specialist has to say :). LOL!! Anyway, I am hoping that the sleep clinic helps. I will keep you updated.
Did I mention that we are going to a houseparty this weekend? All I can say is that I am going to be all glittered up. I have a million kinds of glitter and I intend on using at least 999,999 of them :). Austin is not a huge fan of glitter...he thinks I use way too much and it gets everywhere.
And now for my sad news...
Also, I have been thinking a lot about our dog that died in December. I can't believe how raw it still feels for me. I was searching through some pictures and there he was....all young and vibrant. I had to fight the tears. I am still grieving. I have been told that if you truly love someone, you never stop grieving....the grief lessens but never totally fades. I am convinced that this must be true.
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