Thursday, November 23, 2006

A lot to think about...

Single Woman Wanted:What was I thinking? I didn't realize that my profile would receive so many messages. I have had to surf through messages and it has totally worn me out. Austin is laughing at me. Speaking of Austin, I am so fortunate that Austin understands my need to have this fantasy fulfilled. I just really want a couple to worship me. Ok, that sounds completely selfish but hey, apparently there are couples out there that have the fantasy of pleasing and worshipping a woman so...perhaps I shouldn't feel so self-centered. :)

I have been chatting with a nice couple and think I could have a good match. By the way, do people understand what "no smokers" means? I received so many messages from smokers.

Second MFM: Wow! Is all I can say. Austin and Sam are definitely sexy and quite energetic. Being blindfolded with two men is pretty racy!

Blake and Gina: We miss seeing them...a lot. Our beach trip was incredible; we will definitely plan another..if Gina and Blake agree ;).

Update on Spider Bite: Thanks to everyone who sent positive thoughts regarding my spider bite. I can say that my skin is 98% back to normal. Of course, I have been using my favorite moisturizer to rejuvenate the area.

Update on Waxing: So, I am not baby smooth anymore and must decide how far I want to go. I am thinking of not doing the full bikini. Thoughts??


Anonymous said...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of NOT doing the full brazilian this time? Also -- have you thought about Austin and you doing the "touch up" waxing at home? Sally Beauty Supplies sells "gi-gi" products called hard wax that are for the tender regions. They have it in microwavable "style" and kind you can use with heaters. He may even decide to venture there ... ;-)

Porttasters said...

Great comment...The pain, the pain, the pain. I can deal with the um...mons pubis waxing. But, the um...other places are just damn painful. Ouch!!! So, I am thinking that I may have to do it at least once more to make an accurate decision. I will keep you informed. FYI: Austin may do the "gi gi" product. Will keep you posted.