Sunday, July 01, 2007

Start of the Week...

Just thought I would give a brief update.

New Show- America's Got Talent is so funny. Don't hassle with the hoff is classic. Yes, he may be a drunk, but a funny drunk.

I am FAT-I just purchased and used a new body fat analyis instrument that I purchased for Austin. I am so bummed...It said that I am slightly obese!! NO Kidding!! said that Austin is obese. So of course this just feeds into my obession. :). Anyway, a few people have said that the instruments aren't as accurate for those with an athletic build. Hmm...perhaps but still not comforting.

LOVE my yoga class- I am taking a fabulous It is relaxing and tough at the same time.

Still thinking about playing with Sam- Hmm...very tasty!! Yancey totally rocks.


Anonymous said...

Oh, puh-lease! If you're fat, then I'm a hippo! Where do you get this "information"?!!

Anonymous said...

What you bought must have been a PHAT tester, because you and Austin are absolutely FINE!!!

(I re-read this and lo and behold, it sounds like a cheesy pick up line! LOL!!)


(And I'm with Yancey, if you're fat, I'm in BIG trouble)

KD & SS said...

You are definitely not fat. I wouldn't worry about those 'tests'. According to some of them, I am seriously obese. Now, I'm not skinny, but I'm certainly not obese. I have a lot of muscle which skews the results. I'm sure there's something like that skewing your test too.