Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Testing Time...

So, every year, every sexually-active woman has a ritual (or should have a ritual). WE go to "get our annual." The exam is such a regular part of my life....I have gotten one every year since I was 19. It was never a big deal...before swinging.

This is my first year going as a "loose woman" lol. She always asks a bunch of standard questions. Are you sexually active, have you had any problems, how many sexual partners have you had this year, have you engaged in any risky behaviors, have you always used condoms, even with oral, and others. Oh shit! My closest friend and I go to the same Dr. and so I asked her opinion regarding what I should say. She said "the truth. she's a doctor, she's heard it all." Yipes. She's right. The more I think about it, the more I realize, she's absolutely right.

So, while I am terrified of her judging me for my life, I feel empowered and care about my health as well as the health of my playmates. I am concerned about safety and owe it to myself to be honest about my behaviors, even those that may raise eyebrows. So, it's testing time again. :)


Anonymous said...

That doc is going to be so jealous of you!

--M, I mean "Sam"-- I mean... DOH!

Anonymous said...

Thank GOD my doctor doesn't ask that many questions! I get the "are you sexually active" question, but that's it. But now that you brought it up, I may just have a battery of tests to make sure everything is on the up and up. Pun intended? Hmmm ...