Monday, May 07, 2007

Upcoming Birthdays

Austin and I were born within two months of each other. Of course he was born first so he thinks he is so much wiser than me. Ha- is all that I can say. Anyway, we are both about to experience a birthday. I decided to spend a few seconds thinking about what it means to grow older as a swinger.

I never really thought about age (until I realized I was too old for America's Next Top Model). It's odd, I don't feel like I am going to be 35. Actually, I feel a lot younger and sexier. I think swinging has a lot to do with this. There is something quite nice about having fabulous sex with multiple partners.

Anyway, I have noticed a few things about aging; some good and some not so good. Here's my non-exhaustive list.

  • Being called ma'am (how the hell do you spell that?)- I have noticed that more people call me this lately.
  • I have started looking into anti-aging serums- yes, I am quite vain; I embrace my vanity.
  • During my last annual visit, I had my oral contraceptives changed..."these work better for women of your age" Damn it...are my ovaries feeling the age?
  • I don't have any grey hairs on my head...instead, they prefer to congregate in the "nether region" which is good but I bet dyeing your head feels better than waxing your kitty.
  • I seem to care less about what others think...well this isn't all true- I still want to be told frequently how fabulous I am (just kidding)
  • People are less surprised by my academic achievements. I am a big geek and people are ususally surprised by my geeky acomplishments.
  • It takes freakin' forever to burn off calories. Need I say more? I have finally come to the realization that I will never have the flat stomach I desire.

I am sure that there are millions of other things :).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Embrace your age. Besides your stomach looks great to me.