Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Our Favorite Couple

We are having dinner soon with our favorite couple...I will call them Gina and Blake. I feel like I am in high school all over again. Remember when you had a "best friend." Well, I feel a little ridiculous having a "favorite couple." LOL...It is just really fun having a couple that you connect with. We haven't directly told them that they are our favorite...It is probably not reciprocal. We don't talk about the other couples that we play with and they could have a couple that they play with that is cooler and clicks with them even more than us. That's fine because the thrill is that we actually have a couple that stands out from the rest.

I just realized that I haven't given hubby a name. I will call him Austin. Austin and I have been spending a lot of time with Gina and Blake lately. Gina is having surgery and so we won't see them for a while.

So, I have to pick out an outfit for dinner. Picking out clothes is so fun for me. I feel like such a girly-girl. A few years ago, I laughed at those girly-girl women...the ones with polka dotted clothes and pink shoes. But, in recent years, I have decided that I am a lot more feminine than I thought. LOL.

So, we are really looking forward to seeing Gina and Blake. There won't be any playing, just dinner. Yes, sometimes swingers get together and don't have sex. Although, I must admit, I will miss having sex with them. Until later...

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